Business and workplace coach

I help driven corporate employees and determined business owners break through barriers and attain their goals.

Overcome stagnation, get into action, and make strategic decisions that will gradually lead you to attain your goals and feeling more fulfilled in life and work.

My coaching methodology will empower you to take steps that are slightly beyond your comfort zone, making progress manageable and sustainable.

Workplace and Leadership Coaching

I help employees, entrepreneurs, and leaders into achieving their full potential.

Through my integrated coaching process, I inspire and supportively guide my clients to maximize their professional potential, make extraordinary progress, and reach true fulfillment at work - from seeing immediate results to ultimately transforming their entire life.

Are you ready to feel excited about your work (and life) again?

I am a corporate employee

Are you uncertain about your career goals and how to achieve them? Struggling with leadership responsibilities and unsure how to lead effectively? Feeling overwhelmed by your workload? Let's overcome this together.
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I am a business owner

Feeling alone and owerhwelmed in your business, with an ever-growing to-do list but no clear strategy? Are you facing confidence issues such as imposter syndrome? Would you like to increase your income but are not sure how? Let's make the first steps together.
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Corporate Employee

Your workplace and leadership coach
Are you uncertain about your career goals and how to achieve them? Struggling with leadership responsibilities and unsure how to lead effectively? Feeling overwhelmed by your workload? Dealing with confidence issues or imposter syndrome? Seeking guidance in building resilience and adapting to change?

Whether aspiring to or already in a leadership role, do you feel the need to enhance skills like decision-making, delegation, and team management?

Let's work together to make the first steps.
Through my holistic coaching process, you will proactively create opportunities instead of awaiting your employer to provide them.

Together, we tackle stagnation head-on, transforming it into concrete action that fits your unique needs and lifestyle.

By gradually stretching boundaries and providing support, together we ensure you continue this trajectory until you successfully achieve your goals.

About me

I strongly believe that everyone should be able to maximize their potential and uncover their unique genius so they can thrive at work, do what they love most, and attain the results that matter the most to them.

My goal is to inspire and guide employees, entrepreneurs, and leaders to discover what exactly they should strive for in work (and life) and recognize the unique skills and talents they already posses to achieve that.


What I bring to you

Active listening honed through years of coaching experience.
Genuine care for your dreams, progress, and well-being—echoed by all my clients. You will be surprised by how meticulously I retain and leverage our conversations as invaluable context and reference points.
Proven framework for transforming challenges into immediate, minimally disruptive action steps for sustained motivation and progress. You will make progress without feeling pressured or pushed.
Guidance in creating a realistic strategy for your business growth and goals.
Help with effective decision-making in work and life, ensuring your actions drive towards your goals.
Transparent, direct communication and feedback to ensure sustained growth.
Support in identifying and dispelling self-limiting beliefs.
Practical techniques and exercises to enhance your leadership skills.
A trusting, ongoing relationship to lean on for steadfast support.
Accountability partnership to ensure implementation and track progress.
Continuous motivation and support to conquer obstacles along your journey.

Why coaching?

99% professionals who hire a coach are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their experience (ICF)

80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence.
70% of coached employees report improved work performance.

Luke Goodwin

CEO & Founder, Look Good Learning
"The sessions with Jelena are fantastic; I feel privileged I get that opportunity. Jelena keeps me on track, Jelena helps me grow and progress and it just gives me a feeling that I have a support network around me that cares about my personal growth."

Zanèl Rautenbach

Senior Team Lead and Instructional Designer
"What is really lovely is Jelena is able to ask the right questions to guide you to think of solutions or think of ways that you could improve your situation and your professional development. It feels very empowering."

Coaching just one individual transforms entire teams and organizations.

Real-life results of coaching just four Team Leads in an L&D company:
New leadership role:
Navigating a new leadership role, my client struggled with low self-confidence and ineffective communication with their team. They felt elt disempowered as a manager, especially in assertive client communication. They had difficulty influencing and leading team members.
As a result of coaching, they experienced a significant boost in self-confidence and assertiveness. Now, they lead challenging projects with ease and precision. They've mastered critical thinking and project analysis. They make tough decisions confidently and conduct internal and external meetings with authority. Their life is transformed as they pursue authentic, fulfilling professional goals.

New manager seeking to build authority in their field:
When we started our work together, my client faced challenges in project management, leading to overwhelm and frustration. They struggled with delegation and found the management role unfulfilling. They've lacked a tailored development plan and authentic goals, which impacted their work-life balance.
As a result of coaching, my client started enjoying their leadership role more and even coaching their team members effectively. They deeveloped and followed a strategic growth plan to establish themself as an industry authority. Now they share their expertise at industry events, which fulfills them. They've launched a side business alongside their day job. They prioritize their tasks more efficiently, reclaiming 20% more free time.

Ready to trigger that compound effect?



Working with me entails a collaborative process which gives concrete results.

Luke Goodwin

CEO & Founder, Look Good Learning
"The sessions with Jelena are fantastic; I feel privileged I get that opportunity. Jelena keeps me on track, Jelena helps me grow and progress and it just gives me a feeling that I have a support network around me that cares about my personal growth."

Zanèl Rautenbach

Senior Team Lead and Instructional Designer
"What is really lovely is Jelena is able to ask the right questions to guide you to think of solutions or think of ways that you could improve your situation and your professional development. It feels very empowering."
Together, we foster the reflective learning process that is integral to growth.
We deconstruct limiting (self-)beliefs, develop personalized action plans for growth, and action them.

Unlock your potential. Foster purpose. Drive growth.

Book your free consultation to discover how I can support you.


Business Owner

Business Coach for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
Do you feel that your business lacks a clear strategy, your to-do list is ever-growing, and things are just not moving as fast as you'd like to?
Do you feel alone in the business world and need some support in decision-making? Does your workload feel overwhelming and you are not sure what's the best next step for your business?
Are you facing confidence issues such as imposter syndrome?
Are you seeking guidance in building resilience while building your business?

Whether aspiring to or already managing a team, do you feel the need to enhance your leadership skills like effective communication, delegation, and team management?

Let's make the first steps to overcome your obstacles.
We will create and implement concrete solutions and strategic action plans that provide tangible results and are aligned to your purpose and reason for doing business.

I will help you tackle stagnation head-on, transforming it into concrete action that fits your unique needs and lifestyle.

By gradually stretching boundaries and providing support, together we ensure you continue this trajectory until you successfully achieve your goals.

What sets me apart from other coaches?

It is the singular combination of my skills, qualifications, and experience:
Unique coaching skills and knowledge
Acknowledged expert in Learning & Development
PHD and Published Author on interplay between beliefs and Personal Development
Trained in Leadership Development
Working with me entails a collaborative process which gives concrete results.
Together, we foster the reflective learning process that is integral to growth.
We deconstruct limiting (self-)beliefs, develop personalized action plans for growth, and action them.
Show your employees you care. Build purpose. Achieve growth.

Book a free consultation to discover how I could help you.

Jelena Marjanovic

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